There are rumors that Apple has decided to redesign the already popular case for its MacBook Pro line of laptops. According to a report on MacRumors, these redesigned cases are likely to surface with the upcoming product refresh of the MacBook Pro, replacing the current design that first stores in 2008. The rumors of an upcoming redesign for the MacBook Pro cases first appeared on iLounge just on the eve of the device’s February update. MacRumors however, did not reveal any details about this supposed redesign, leaving fans in the dark, at least for the moment.
Still, it is unlikely that the MacBook enthusiast community will have to wait too long before leaked photos of this new design appeared online. According to experts keeping a close eye on the issue, the new design may take inspiration from the iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices, and also could feature touch screen capability and other major renovations meant to keep the laptop with Apple's overall brand image. No word on when the redesigned MacBook Pros are expected to be available for purchase.
Still, it is unlikely that the MacBook enthusiast community will have to wait too long before leaked photos of this new design appeared online. According to experts keeping a close eye on the issue, the new design may take inspiration from the iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices, and also could feature touch screen capability and other major renovations meant to keep the laptop with Apple's overall brand image. No word on when the redesigned MacBook Pros are expected to be available for purchase.